About us

Our purpose

Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation wants more people in the Loddon Mallee region treated closer to home, where they can remain with loved ones.

We are dedicated to improving the healthcare of those in central Victoria by raising valuable funds for Bendigo Health.

Who we are

We are the official charity for Bendigo Health, a leading regional health service for the Loddon Mallee region.

The Fundraising & Foundation department does not fund anything budgeted for by government or contribute to hospital operational costs. Our focus is on specialised medical equipment, new services and many other essentials that add a level of patient comfort and care.

We manage regular giving appeals, events and fundraising initiatives. We also rely on donations received by businesses and through gifts in Wills, grants and the efforts of individual fundraisers and community groups.

The Fundraising & Foundation team is supported by a Bendigo Health Fundraising Advisory Board, led by Chair, Trevor Elliott.

The Bendigo Health Foundation Charitable Trustees are Hamish Hope, Garry Quinn and Robin Munro.

To speak to a member of the Fundraising & Foundation team about how to help, please phone 1300 243 000 or email us at bhfoundation@bendigohealth.org.au.

Our Team

Our Board

Our Trustees

Our Auxiliaries & Volunteers

Our history

Fundraising has been an integral part of Bendigo Hospital’s history since its establishment in the 1800s. Just 30 years after the first hospital was established in Bendigo in 1853, almost half of the expenditure of the hospital was raised by the local community through events such as the Easter Fair.

The Bendigo Easter Fair first took place in 1871 as a fundraiser for the hospital and the Bendigo Benevolent Asylum, now continuing as a major event for the Bendigo region.

The Bendigo Health Foundation Charitable Trust was established in 1991 to focus on the diligent management of the funds received into the hospital. Today the Fundraising & Foundation department is responsible for raising in excess of $1 million annually to contribute directly to specialised medical equipment and programs at Bendigo Health.

What we fund

The generosity of our community allows us to expand services and programs by:

  • Investing in technological advancement through specialised equipment where it is needed most, helping our most vulnerable patients
  • Providing low cost accommodation close to the hospital for those patients and loved ones who need to travel
  • Funding scholarships and training to build an exceptional skill base among our people, and
  • Investing in research to provide homegrown solutions to our region’s unique health problems.

We also understand a patient’s experience of their healthcare matters for a strong recovery. We take care of those ‘little things’ to make a difference to our patients and their families.

Your donations go directly to projects such as:

  • a Wellness Program for cancer patients
  • an inter-service patient bus transport service (driven by volunteers)
  • low cost accommodation close to the hospital for regional patients and their families who need to travel
  • exercise equipment and pet therapy for patients of our Mental Health Service
  • emergency patient clothing and colouring kits for our Emergency Department

Together with our outstanding workforce of around 4,500 people working throughout the Loddon Mallee, we are there when you or your loved ones need us to deliver
Excellent Care. Every Person. Every Time.

How we fundraise

Our dedicated team focuses on promoting a philanthropic culture within our community through its work on annual appeals, events, grants, individual donations, community fundraisers, gifts in Wills, workplace giving and a range of other fundraising initiatives.

We gratefully acknowledge the dedication of our wonderful supporters, comprising of generous individuals, sponsors, community groups, charitable organisations, volunteers and our Auxiliaries, along with our helpful staff that support our fundraising efforts throughout Bendigo Health.

The support of our community helps us raise vital funds for our regional hospital.

Our ethics

Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation staff promise to behave in a transparent and ethical manner in their conduct towards and communication with donors and beneficiaries, including people in vulnerable circumstances. We will respect any specific instructions you provide about how your donation is intended.

We are also happy to have a confidential discussion with you to make certain that your donation is directed in line with your wishes and will achieve what you want it to.

Charity tax status

Bendigo Health Care Group Foundation Charitable Trust

ABN: 13 340 801 870 is endorsed to access the following tax concessions:

  • Tax concession
  • GST Concession from 01 July 2005
  • Income Tax Exemption 01 July 2000
  • Endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient from 01 Jul 2000 - covered by item 2 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
  • Registered charity with The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC)

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a donation receipt to assist for tax purposes.

Related Documents

Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024

Reconciliation Action Plan 2022-2024

Fundraising Advisory Board Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Fundraising Advisory Board Strategic Plan 2023-202...


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