Include a Charity Week runs nationally 4-10 September. This year’s theme is Give a gift to the future – leave a legacy. Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation is able to support a range of programs and equipment purchases through funds received through gifts in Wills.

Russell Robertson has over 40 years of experience as a lawyer in the Bendigo region and has specialist expertise the legal technicalities of will-making, including leaving charitable gifts in Wills.
As part of Include a Charity Week, Russell is encouraging people to think about the legacy they want to leave.
“Including a charity in your Will is a powerful way to make a positive difference in the world. It is never too early to discuss your wishes with your family and loved ones and start the conversation with those closest to you about leaving a gift in your Will.”
A bequest from the Sunderland family has seen annual contributions from the estate made to Bendigo Health. Recently funds from this bequest helped purchase a new Atom Infant Warmer to support paediatric and neonatal presentations in our Emergency Department.

The machine serves the needs of a particularly vulnerable group - newly born children who are critically ill and require emergency treatment at Bendigo Health. This open incubator is multi-functional and supports a variety of life-saving medical tasks.
These include ventilation, resuscitation, monitoring and actively warming the neonate. Being mobile, this device can be used in the delivery room or the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as required.
We encourage anyone considering leaving a charitable gift in their Will to find out more information at Please let us know that you have included the Bendigo Health Foundation in your Will or are considering doing so as we would appreciate the opportunity to thank you and to best understand your wishes. You can phone us on 1300 243 000 or email
Because any gift left in your Will – no matter how big or small – makes a difference to your chosen charitable organisation. And you’ll leave a lasting impact on the lives of others long into the future.