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Your tax deductible donation helps fund the purchase of specialised equipment and services so Bendigo Health can treat more patients closer to home and their loved ones.

Equipment such as the state-of-the-art da Vinci XXI surgical robot will further enhance our surgical capabilities and improve patient outcomes. This tax time you can support our regional hospital and help us provide equipment like the robot as well as other services not available through Government funding.

Why your help matters

By bringing state of the art equipment like the da Vinci XXI robot to Bendigo Health, we aim to provide our community with access to the most advanced minimally invasive surgical procedures available today. This potentially life-saving equipment will enhance a range of surgical procedures including cardiac valve repair; cancer tumour removal; partial or complete removal of the prostate; robot-assisted thoracic surgery and renal and gynaecologic surgical procedures.

Donations to Bendigo Health change people's lives in many way — None of us know when we will require emergency hospital treatment.

Through donations we provide basic clothing to patients in an emergency situation, fund equipment like a Cardiac Resuscitator to give lifesaving compressions to patients who urgently need it and provide low cost accommodation to regional patients.....All because of your support. Thank you.

Every donation large or small makes a difference.

We need you to support our regional hospital and make a donation this tax time.